Gijs P. Leemrijse, Tom T.P. Franken, Thomas Neele
Formalisation of a new weak Semantics for AuDaLa. ATVA 2024.
LNCS, volume 15055 pages 93-116. Springer.
Anna Stramaglia, Jeroen J. A. Keiren, Thomas Neele
Unfolding State Variables Improves Model Checking. Theoretical Computer Science, Elsevier.
(accepted with minor revision)
Thomas Neele, Anton J. Wijs
Model Checking Software: 30th International Symposium, SPIN 2024, Luxembourg City, Luxembourg, April 8–9, 2024, Proceedings. LNCS, volume 14624 Springer.
Thomas Neele, Jaco van de Pol
Operations on Fixpoint Equation Systems. LMCS.
volume 20 (3)
Tom T.P. Franken, Thomas Neele
AuDaLa is Turing Complete. FORTE 2024.
LNCS, volume 14678 pages 221-229. Springer.
Anna Stramaglia, Jeroen J.A. Keiren, Thomas Neele
Simplifying Process Parameters by Unfolding Algebraic Data Types. ICTAC 2023.
LNCS, volume 14446 pages 399-416. Springer.
Tom T.P. Franken, Thomas Neele, Jan Friso Groote
An Autonomous Data Language. ICTAC 2023.
LNCS, volume 14446 pages 158-177. Springer.
Thomas Neele, Matteo Sammartino
Compositional Automata Learning of Synchronous Systems. FASE 2023.
LNCS, volume 13991 pages 47-66. Springer.
Peter Gjøl Jensen, Thomas Neele
Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems: a Special Issue on Tool Papers for TACAS 2021. Software Tools for Technology Transfer.
volume 25 pages 129-131. Springer.
Thomas Neele, Tim A.C. Willemse, Wieger Wesselink, Antti Valmari
Partial-Order Reduction for Parity Games and Parameterised Boolean Equation Systems. Software Tools for Technology Transfer.
volume 24 (5) pages 735-756. Springer.
(TACAS2020 special issue)
Thomas Neele
(Re)moving Quantifiers to Simply Parameterised Boolean Equation Systems. ARQNL 2022.
CEUR-WS, volume 3326 pages 64-80.
Thomas Neele, Antti Valmari, Tim A. C. Willemse
A Detailed Account of The Inconsistent Labelling Problem of Stutter-Preserving Partial-Order Reduction. Logical Methods in Computer Science, volume 17 (3) pages 8:1-8:27.
(FoSSaCS 2020 special issue)
Thomas Neele
Reductions for Parity Games and Model Checking. PhD thesis.
Eindhoven University of Technology.
🏆 IPA dissertation award 2020
Thomas Neele, Antti Valmari, Tim A. C. Willemse
The Inconsistent Labelling Problem of Stutter-Preserving Partial-Order Reduction. FoSSaCS 2020.
LNCS, volume 12077 pages 482-501. Springer.
🏆 EATCS best paper award; also nominated for EASST best paper award
Thomas Neele, Tim A.C. Willemse, Wieger Wesselink
Partial-Order Reduction for Parity Games with an Application on Parameterised Boolean Equation Systems. TACAS 2020.
LNCS, volume 12079 pages 307-324. Springer.
Thomas Neele, Tim A.C. Willemse, Jan Friso Groote
Finding Compact Proofs for Infinite-Data Parameterised Boolean Equation Systems. Science of Computer Programming.
volume 188 pages 102389. Elsevier.
(FACS 2018 special issue)
Thomas Neele, Marijn Rol, Jan Friso Groote
Verifying System-Wide Properties of Industrial Component-Based Software. FSEN 2019.
LNCS, volume 11761 pages 158-175. Springer.
Thomas Neele, Tim A.C. Willemse, Wieger Wesselink
Partial-Order Reduction for Parity Games with an Application on Parameterised Boolean Equation Systems (Technical Report). Computer Science Reports, volume 19/02 Eindhoven University of Technology.
Olav Bunte, Jan Friso Groote, Jeroen J. A. Keiren, Maurice Laveaux, Thomas Neele, Erik P. de Vink, Wieger Wesselink, Anton Wijs, Tim A. C. Willemse
The mCRL2 Toolset for Analysing Concurrent Systems: Improvements in Expressivity and Usability. TACAS 2019.
LNCS, volume 11428 pages 21-39. Springer.
Thomas Neele, Tim A. C. Willemse, Jan Friso Groote
Solving Parameterised Boolean Equation Systems with Infinite Data Through Quotienting. FACS 2018.
LNCS, volume 11222 pages 216-236. Springer.
🏆 Best paper award.
Nathan Cassee, Thomas Neele, Anton Wijs
On the Scalability of the GPUexplore Explicit-State Model Checker. GaM 2017.
EPTCS, volume 263 pages 38-52. Open Publishing Association.
Anton Wijs, Thomas Neele
Compositional Model Checking with Incremental Counter-Example Construction. CAV 2017.
LNCS, volume 10426 pages 570-590. Springer.
Anton Wijs, Thomas Neele, Dragan Bošnački
GPUexplore 2.0: Unleashing GPU Explicit-State Model Checking. FM 2016.
LNCS, volume 9995 pages 694-700. Springer.
Thomas Neele, Anton Wijs, Dragan Bošnački, Jaco van de Pol
Partial-Order Reduction for GPU Model Checking. ATVA 2016.
LNCS, volume 9983 pages 357-374. Springer.
Thomas Neele
GPU Implementation of Partial-Order Reduction. MSc. thesis.
University of Twente.
🏆 Ngi-NGN Informatie Scriptieprijs, tweede prijs, from KHMW, also nominated for ENIAC thesis award
Tom van Dijk, Ernst Moritz Hahn, David N. Jansen, Yong Li, Thomas Neele, Mariëlle Stoelinga, Andrea Turrini, Lijun Zhang
A Comparative Study of BDD Packages for Probabilistic Symbolic Model Checking. SETTA 2015.
LNCS, volume 9409 pages 35-51. Springer.